Saturday 2 February 2008

Further Down the Development Road

we construct with glasses, but not transparency;
we offer many products, but not our sincere services;
we drive many cars, but not going anywhere...
our heart gets colder and harder like the concrete and metal we get closer and closer to.

we get more wooded furniture to get more landslides, worse air;
we give more money to unseen privilege givers to also give away our honesty;
we become polite not anymore to make sincere friendships than customer relationships;
we teach not anymore to souls but to make walking resources.

we tour no more for understanding than be commercially understood and exploited upon;
we praise the sky no more, for it's like a dirted pool of cotton candy;
we journey with pleasure no more, than to curse from jams to tols;
we get paranoid on our streets, because we have neighbours no more.

our kids will learn to be 'modern' not knowing their hearts will be broken;
our houses will be cluttered without room for substance;
our hearts gets blurrer and blinder, till the clothes of development be unveiled;
till the Truth finally befound, that would have maybe been too late to stop many a feet from shuffling, many a minds from cheating, many a hands from toiling, many a mouths from persuading, many a women from proving, many a men from asserting, many a children from wanting, many a ministers from pushing, many a voters from...

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